rural insightTM by Pradeep Lokhande

is an online open forum where he will publish his view points on various happenings and trends in rural India. The views will be based on his experience of closely interacting with the villagers, opinion leaders, students and understanding their behavior and culture.


A slow yet steady rise is being seen in quality of work force, largely due to improved quality of education and vocational training courses. A number of governmental initiatives have been key to driving this development.


Ironical that the largest agrarian economy, with the worlds largest elementary education system, doesn’t have agriculture as a subject in schools.


New tax laws & regulations, which will impact rural retail, are in the process of being implemented or are imminent.


Greater adoption of branded & packaged products in Indian villages & smaller towns is helping rural markets grow at a rapid pace.


A growing preference is seen amongst overburdened consumers for product/services that reduce time & effort, while delivering faster results.


70 years on, Pune District continues to be managed by a single Collector/DM. What is different since 1949 is – the population has grown from 5 lakhs to 94 lakhs (9million+). Technology led solutions help vastly, but is more needed. …?


rural insight by
Greater adoption of branded & packaged products in Indian villages & smaller towns is helping rural markets grow at a rapid pace.


A growing preference is seen amongst overburdened consumers for product/services that reduce time & effort, while delivering faster results.


Good news:
with the help of Non-Resident Villagers (NRV) we have installed 3,820 “Gyan-key libraries” (read+write+speak) in 1,480 working day’s benefiting 10,00,570 (1 Million) rural secondary students.


villagewiKY presents some *useful* information (5% to 80%) of 67,000 villagewiKY villages. Please contribute, *add* & rectify information of YOUR village on