Madhymik school
Basic Information | |
School Name | Madhymik school |
Village | Belvede Haveli |
Taluka | Karad |
District | Satara |
State | Maharashtra |
Pin code | |
Population | |
Principal | |
Name of two teachers | |
Email ID | |
About School | |
Standard | |
1 to 7 | |
1 to 10 | |
5 to 10 | |
Total No. of Students | |
Total No. of Boys | |
Total No. of Girls | |
Distance from Taluka | |
Distance from District | |
Total No. of Trees in school | |
Details of Gyan-key library | |
Gyan-key library installed | |
Gyan-key Monitor | |
Name of Gyan-key Donor | Indrani Balaann Foundataion |
Gyan-key Request Letter Received | |
Gyan-key Thank You Letter Received | |
Total No. of Books Gifted | |
Additional Books Gifted | |
Additional Books Gifted by | |
Number of Student reactions received till date | |
Number of post cards received by donor | |
Participation in Gyan-key programe | |
Learning infrastructure | |
E-learning | |
Computer Lab | |
Total number of computers | |
Science Lab | |
Sports / Fitness infrastructure | |
Fit-key | |
Name of PT/ Sports Teacher | |
Play Ground | |
Activities for problem solving, thinking, critical thinking, decision making (Life Skill) | |
Teacher traning | |
Skill-key | |
Bhraman-key | |
MaD-key | |
Name of Drama Teacher | |
Name of Music Teacher | |
Music Instruments | |
Music, drama and other activities in which school participates etc. | |
Co-curricular infrastructure | |
Internet facility | |
Power Supply | |
Solar system | |
Health Check up | |
Eyes Check up | |
Height & Weight Check up | |
Haemoglobin check up (especially for girls students) | |
Any other specific check up | |
Hygiene / health infrastructure | |
Toilet for Girls | |
Toilet for Boys | |
Common Toilet | |
water tank | |
Water Purifier | |
More | |
Any company's CSR activity in the School | |
Name of NGOs work in School |