Who is gramin bandhu
- He will be your local associate in feeder village
- Minimum 1 family member will be computer literate
- He will have a minimum of 10/10 pakka place in the feeder village
- He will not be dependent on your business (ROI)
- You may draw a one-page agreement or have a loose alliance with your gramin bandhu
- He speaks the local dialect, is aware of the ecosystem, will save travelling time & expenses as compared to an outsider
gramin bandhu’s deliverables
- He will generate lead, promote & sell your products in his & ad-joining villages
- Wall, shop board & shutter painting / Display of PoP in shop
- Support in launch/ relaunch/ special drives
- gramin bandhu will connect you to 21st centuries green & blue professionals & influencers
- He will disseminate & collect the information (MIS) in his & ad-joining villages
- Email us at rural@ruralrelations.com