connect, interact, build relationship & sell
Rating of
feeder villages
Data of green & blue
24 years
with villagers
Worked in 67,000 villages
Two platforms to generate lead, promote & sell your products, service, concept, social initiatives & communication to 49% (phase one) rural consumers of India physically, digitally & cost effectively
gramin bandhu
ready to plug-in your distribution
More about gramin bandhu
village developer
youth from village will work in village/block
More about village developer
Saath Saath Success (SSS)
platform of 8,500 gramin bandhu & 9,400 village developers
More about village developer
To experience the power of these two platforms we offer sample data/feedback of your brand, email us at
Along with activity report - block wise summary report, 3/5 photographs & 1 video from each feeder village
Companies & institutions are building rural relationship
You Connect With us, we Connect You To Tomorrow’s India