• Gyan-key introductory classroom library with hanger for class 3rd & 4th – Rs.1,930/- each
  • Gyan-key classroom library with hanger for class 5th & 6th – Rs.2,920/- each
  • Gyan-key classroom library with hanger for class 7th & 8th – Rs.3,910/- each

Special Gyan-key library sets for housing societies, offices & police stations are also available. You can pay via Cheque or Online payment using the details below

The following heads of costs are incurred in setting up a typical Gyan-key library hanger and your contribution is utilized in meeting these costs :

  • Cost of books and hanger
  • Folder with an instruction manual
  • Postcards and envelopes (for the school and students to communicate with you and with Gyan-key back office)
  • Packaging (books are packed appropriately before they are handed over to the transport agency)
  • Follow-up, feedback and documentation – to ensure each Gyan-key library hanger is set up and runs smoothly extensive follow-up and feedback is required which may include a visit in some cases.

Gyan-key library hanger is preferably installed in the name of a female and all the Gyan-key monitors are girl students.