Uttar Pradesh > Kanpur Nagar > Ghatampur
State | Uttar Pradesh |
District | Kanpur Nagar |
Taluka | Ghatampur |
Population of the Taluka/Tehsil/Block | |
Villages in the taluka | |
Villages with population above 2000+ | |
Number of Households | |
Languages Spoken | Hindi and Urdu |
rating of villagewiKY villages in Ghatampur
- Akbarpur
- Asdhna
- Bara Daulatpur
- Bari Mahtaen
- Bhadras
- Bhadwara
- Bhaisana
- Bhaisau
- Chanwar
- Chaubepur
- Chaurai
- Chhatarpur
- Chhatarpur
- Dhamna Bujurg
- Dharmangadpur
- Gabdaha
- Gauri Bhagwantpur
- Ghanshyampur
- Ghatampur
- Gopalpur
- Gujela
- Harbansh Pur
- Hardauli
- Itrra
- Jajpur
- Kaitha
- Kakoopur
- Kohara
- Korea
- Kotra Makrandpur
- Kuwankhera
- Maloo
- Meerpur
- Nauranga
- Pachor
- Parachand
- Patrsa
- Pem
- Phuphuwar
- Pras
- Prempur Badagaon
- Rar
- Rasulpur Umra
- Rawaipur
- Rawatpur
- Revna
- Roop Nagar
- Rootapur Kalan
- Sabhalpur
- Sadar Bazar Ghatampur
- Sarh
- Srinagar
- Tari Pathakpur
- Udaipur
villagewiKY rating
Good | Average | Bad | |
Education | |||
Health | |||
Drinking Water | |||
Tar Roads | |||
Electricity | |||
Swachh Bharat |
Solar Power |
Register / Login Form
Your village on villagewiKY
Primary School | Yes No |
Secondary School | Yes No |
PHC/SC | Yes No |
Post Office | Yes No |
Grampanchayat office | Yes No |
Distance from Taluka | KM |
Distance from District | KM |
Nearest railway station |
Good | Average | Bad | |
Education | |||
Health | |||
Drinking Water | |||
Tar Roads | |||
Electricity | |||
Swachh Bharat | |||
Solar Power | Yes No |
villagewiKY presents "rating" of 67,000 feeder villages on education, health, drinking water, electricity, tar roads, swachh bharat & solar power.
villagewiKY rating
India has the largest elementary education system in the world and there are 12,70,170 primary & upper primary schools and 2,52,176 secondary & senior secondary schools in India (MHRD, 2016)
- GOOD- required infrastructure and facilities present
- AVERAGE- insufficient infrastructure and facilities
- BAD- poor infrastructure and facilities
There are 24,855 Public Health Centers and 1,57,411 Sub Centers in rural India. (Source: Rural Health Statistics 2018-2019, MHFW)
- GOOD- required infrastructure and facilities present
- AVERAGE- insufficient infrastructure and facilities
- BAD- poor infrastructure and facilities
Drinking Water
About 87.6% of the households in rural India have sufficient drinking water. Hand pumps are the major source of drinking water in rural India. (Census 2011)
- GOOD- drinking water available/ RO plant
- AVERAGE- water scarcity only in summer
- BAD- drinking water source far from the village/summer is bad/often observation of water scarcity/ lack of potable water
Tar Roads
2.65 million km (80.30% of the total 3.3 million Km) of road network exists in rural areas (Source: NHAI 2014)
- GOOD- presence of good quality tar/ concrete roads
- AVERAGE- presence of tar roads but in compromised condition/ road is bad in some seasons
- BAD- absence of all season road
Nearly 6,00,000 villages in India have been given electricity connection, where electrification of a village is defined as10% of its homes and all public buildings are connected to the grid (Source: BBC)
- GOOD- no load shedding at all
- AVERAGE- load shedding 4+ hours
- BAD- load shedding 12+ hours
Swachh Bharat
10,28,67,271 household toilets have been built under Swachh Bharat Mission since 2nd October 2014
- GOOD- implemented well and change observed
- AVERAGE- considerable implementation
- BAD- not implemented effectively
Solar Power
India ranks as the third largest solar market in the world.
Solar power in your Village/ Taluka/ District - Yes/No